The history of Touch Football

In 1968, Touch Football became a stand alone sport with the creation of the South Sydney Touch Football Club. The founders were Bob Dyke and Ray Vawdon. They later founded the NSW Touch Association and so began a long wave of new clubs being formed both within Australia (and then overseas). There is no doubt Touch Football has become a very popular Australian sport but for many, the question was always asked, “why can you not kick in Touch Football?”

In 2005, TRL – Touch Rugby League – was created. It was created to add new and exciting elements to Touch Football. These elements which Touch Football (in its original version) did not have included proper Rugby League play-the-balls as well as being able to kick on any touch.

It was the kicking aspect in particular which has made TRL are popular alternative to Touch Football.

Both games still do have similarities such as the touch replacing the tackle; each set being 6 touches; and fundamental rules of Rugby League such as passes needing to be backwards as well as the offside/onside concept.

TRL has revolutionised Touch Football and provided a game that better reflects the footy codes (in a non-contact setting) and provides people of all shapes and sizes, a chance to excel. It is a game of skill, not just a game of fitness and speed.